Is Pop Culture Good?!


                                 Is Pop Culture Good?

        Pop Culture has its benefits and its negatives, but all things consider pop culture brings more positives and brings a lot of opportunity for the youth.  In the article "Watching tv makes you smarter" by Steven Johnson the author mentions sleeper’s curve. Sleepers curve idea states that as time passes, the median level of cognitive complexity provided by popular media increases. Meaning that over time most TV shows are getting more complex. Furthermore, Johnson states that Sleepers curve is the most important force for altering the mental developing of our future generation. Some may argue that this is a positive and a negative. One side stating that the intellect of our future generations is at hands of these big media companies. Which in cases can push media on certain viewpoints that some parents won’t agree on. On the other hand, a majority of people are pro media meaning they agree with most views that the media portrays. 

            Another reason why I believe that pop culture is good is because it presents many different opportunities. Including launching a business, connections, sponsorships, and notoriety. Every one of these examples can change and evolve your life. Starting with launching a business which I can identify with since I started a designer wholesale business in 2016. Which was difficult at first but has evolved over the years and has taught me a lot about taxes, credit score and general speaking skills dealing with different type of people. Connections is also a big factor in the social media world which you can sometimes meet investors or a business partner through. Sponsorships are also big advantages in social media which you can obtain by being an influencer for example presenting a new item or a new deal that certain companies has to your viewers. 

            Lastly, In the article “Small Change” by Malcom Gladwell the author interpreted the relationship of the students and how the bond the students had with each other is way deeper when there face to face struggling with these injustices. I agree with Gladwell’s ideals of social networking, and I do believe that when people interact face to face with someone, they have a lot in common with the connection is much stronger than in any social media platform can make. But the world is evolving and like it or not everything is shifting to digital and virtual. Including most hands-on jobs like nursing programs using AI technology. This can also be a negative, with future iteration of bots that can simulate certain people’s jobs. Which can be a route certain CEO’s take since there is higher Return on investments since you don’t have to pay your regular worker weekly or bi-weekly. In conclusion, there is positives and negatives to the subject of Pop Culture but in my opinion the advantages overweight’s the negatives with the amount of opportunity the youth and adults can have and all you need is internet access indulge in it.


  1. Jorge,
    Great blog! You do a nice job of looking at both sides of the argument, giving commentary on the readings in relationship to your perspective, as well as your own life experience. It sounds like you've had quite a bit of learning and experience in the social media sphere.
    In the end, your argument for the positive influences of pop culture is convincing to me.
    Professor Knauer


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